A kinder, gentler Flying Buttress?
Just recently, the whole Chancery gang engaged in a self-awareness exercise - in the form of an Enneagram questionnaire - at a team-building retreat.
Here then are the Archbishop's questionnaire responses:
1. I seem to k
2. I find it easy to make ethically nuanced decisions.
Seldom So
3. Compromise is wrong when making moral decisions.
x Seldom So
4. I work well within systems. Seldom x So
5. I have so
x Seldom So
6. What I should do is often more important than what I may feel.
x Seldom So
7. Obeying authority is important to
x Seldom So
8. Being obeyed is important to
Seldom So
9. So
Seldom So
10. My emotions seem more intense than others.
Seldom So
11. I don’t mind being a little different from the crowd. Different is good!
Seldom So
12. I’m more sensitive than most people and I suffer because of it.
Seldom So
13. People tell
Seldom So
14. I tend to like a lot of liturgical variety in my life.
Seldom So
15. Justice is important to
Seldom So
16. People need so
x Seldom So
17. I think relationships are the most important thing in the world and I have a lot of them.
Seldom So
18. I think my subjective opinions are more important than objective facts.
Seldom So
19. I love tradition.
x Seldom So
20. Underground newsletters only tell one side of my story.
Seldom So
Miscellanea CATHOLICA
+The full text of "Sacramentum Caritatis."
+Father Tom Enteneuer on contraception.